Refarm is holistic care for everyone and anyone.
Refarm is holistic care for everyone and anyone.
Refarm is holistic care for everyone and anyone.

Thousands of American's continually fall through the cracks of our health and justice systems, ultimately living the rest of their lives on the streets until they tragically pass away or commit a crime so severe it lands them in jail permanently.
Thousands of American's continually fall through the cracks of our health and justice systems, ultimately living the rest of their lives on the streets until they tragically pass away or commit a crime so severe it lands them in jail permanently.
Thousands of American's continually fall through the cracks of our health and justice systems, ultimately living the rest of their lives on the streets until they tragically pass away or commit a crime so severe it lands them in jail permanently.

By offering a longer term care facility with a complete continuum of care, residents can rebuild a strong sense of purpose, as well as skillsets to help secure a job in the city they wish to live, should they choose to leave their Refarm.
By offering a longer term care facility with a complete continuum of care, residents can rebuild a strong sense of purpose, as well as skillsets to help secure a job in the city they wish to live, should they choose to leave their Refarm.
By offering a longer term care facility with a complete continuum of care, residents can rebuild a strong sense of purpose, as well as skillsets to help secure a job in the city they wish to live, should they choose to leave their Refarm.

Costs of operating a Refarm are offset by tapping into the growing Wellness Tourism industry, where customers pay to recharge in beautiful locations around the world.
Costs of operating a Refarm are offset by tapping into the growing Wellness Tourism industry, where customers pay to recharge in beautiful locations around the world.
Costs of operating a Refarm are offset by tapping into the growing Wellness Tourism industry, where customers pay to recharge in beautiful locations around the world.

While high quality services will be offered to both residents and guests, care and compassion for both groups will take top priority to ensure effective outcomes for both, likely resulting in a separation of engagements in most circumstances.
While high quality services will be offered to both residents and guests, care and compassion for both groups will take top priority to ensure effective outcomes for both, likely resulting in a separation of engagements in most circumstances.
While high quality services will be offered to both residents and guests, care and compassion for both groups will take top priority to ensure effective outcomes for both, likely resulting in a separation of engagements in most circumstances.

What separates a Refarm location from any other destination retreat is the ability for guests to take part in hands-on activities directly related to the rehabilitation of Americans in desperate need.
What separates a Refarm location from any other destination retreat is the ability for guests to take part in hands-on activities directly related to the rehabilitation of Americans in desperate need.
What separates a Refarm location from any other destination retreat is the ability for guests to take part in hands-on activities directly related to the rehabilitation of Americans in desperate need.

Refarm is currently within a six month research and development phase. This includes progressing required planning and permits, as well as identifying executive leaders in the following areas as advisors and or managers:
Farming, Food, Nutrition
Logistics, Transporting those in need to and from
Medicine, Healthcare, Safety, Fitness, Therapy, Rehabilitation
Learning New Skills, Learning AI, Career Development, Mentorship
Operations, Programs, Organization & People management
Security, Rules, Enforcement
Architecture & Construction, Planing, Development,
Energy, Renewable, Telecommunication
Drinking, Water, Sewage, Maintenance
Real Estate Planning, Zoning, Permits, Working with Governments
Fundraising, Government, Agencies, Partnerships
Brand, Outreach, Partnerships, InCity properties
Finance, Accounting, Taxes, Reporting
Technology & Infrastructure, Data Privacy, Personal AI Support
Entertainment, Fun
For more information, please contact Matt:
Refarm is currently within a six month research and development phase. This includes progressing required planning and permits, as well as identifying executive leaders in the following areas as advisors and or managers:
Farming, Food, Nutrition
Logistics, Transporting those in need to and from
Medicine, Healthcare, Safety, Fitness, Therapy, Rehabilitation
Learning New Skills, Learning AI, Career Development, Mentorship
Operations, Programs, Organization & People management
Security, Rules, Enforcement
Architecture & Construction, Planing, Development,
Energy, Renewable, Telecommunication
Drinking, Water, Sewage, Maintenance
Real Estate Planning, Zoning, Permits, Working with Governments
Fundraising, Government, Agencies, Partnerships
Brand, Outreach, Partnerships, InCity properties
Finance, Accounting, Taxes, Reporting
Technology & Infrastructure, Data Privacy, Personal AI Support
Entertainment, Fun
For more information, please contact Matt:
Refarm is currently within a six month research and development phase. This includes progressing required planning and permits, as well as identifying executive leaders in the following areas as advisors and or managers:
Farming, Food, Nutrition
Logistics, Transporting those in need to and from
Medicine, Healthcare, Safety, Fitness, Therapy, Rehabilitation
Learning New Skills, Learning AI, Career Development, Mentorship
Operations, Programs, Organization & People management
Security, Rules, Enforcement
Architecture & Construction, Planing, Development,
Energy, Renewable, Telecommunication
Drinking, Water, Sewage, Maintenance
Real Estate Planning, Zoning, Permits, Working with Governments
Fundraising, Government, Agencies, Partnerships
Brand, Outreach, Partnerships, InCity properties
Finance, Accounting, Taxes, Reporting
Technology & Infrastructure, Data Privacy, Personal AI Support
Entertainment, Fun
For more information, please contact Matt: